Friday 28 December 2012

Countdown to 2013 - Preparation for Exams

ACCA has issued the timetable for June 2013 and Dec 2013 Exam sessions as per below:

June 2013 session

Monday 3 JuneF5 Performance Management  P7 Advanced Audit and Assurance
Tuesday 4 JuneF6 Taxation  P4 Advanced Financial Management  
Wednesday 5 JuneF7 Financial Reporting 
Thursday 6 June F8 Audit and Assurance P5 Advanced Performance Management
Friday 7 JuneF1 Accountant in Business  
F9 Financial Management  
P6 Advanced Taxation
Monday 10 JuneF4 Corporate and Business Law P3 Business Analysis
Tuesday 11 JuneF3 Financial Accounting  P2 Corporate Reporting 
Wednesday 12 June F2 Management Accounting  P1 Governance, Risk and Ethics

December 2013 session

Monday 2 DecemberF5 Performance ManagementP7 Advanced Audit and Assurance
Tuesday 3 DecemberF6 TaxationP4 Advanced Financial Management
Wednesday 4 DecemberF7 Financial Reporting
Thursday 5 DecemberF8 Audit and AssuranceP5 Advanced Performance Management
Friday 6 DecemberF1 Accountant in BusinessP6 Advanced Taxation

F9 Financial Management
Monday 9 DecemberF4 Corporate and Business LawP3 Business Analysis
Tuesday 10 DecemberF3 Financial AccountingP2 Corporate Reporting
Wednesday 11 DecemberF2 Management AccountingP1 Governance, Risk and Ethics

Year 2013 is only a few days away. Start the year with proper planning for your exams with some project management tools. A Gantt Chart would be a useful tool (as per below):

 Start your preparations now and a Happy New Year!

Thursday 19 July 2012

US GAAP - No Convergence with IFRS?

On July 13, 2012, SEC released a report (also known as Work Plan for the Consideration of Incorporating International Financial Reporting Standards into the Financial Reporting System for U.S. Issuer). The report discusses the many issues of the US to converge with international accounting standards including expense concerns and the US GAAP wide outreach in many existing US laws and regulations. The report, however, did not specify any decision yet by the SEC. The potential withdrawal of the US of a plan to converge with the IFRS may put a damper on a universally recognised accounting standards. More detailed review of the report can be found in many accounting journals and websites including, Journal of Accountancy and many others.

Tuesday 17 July 2012

ACCA - A Career in Accountancy

Public Ruling No.4/2012


LHDN has issued a new  ruling, Public Ruling No.4/2012 'Deduction for loss of cash and treatment of recoveries' on 1 June 2012 to replace the previous ruling, Public Ruling No.5/2005 of the same title. 

The new ruling is a rephrasing and rearranging of the previous ruling whereby both underlines the nature of loss of cash caused by theft, defalcation or embezzlement which are tax deductible as well as how their recoveries through insurance, legal action, etc should be taxed. One key difference is the when the recoveries should be taxed as income.

Previously, recoveries of loss of cash is taxed based on when such recoveries are received. This means the recoveries are taxable when the date the cash (for example from the insurance company) is received. However, the new ruling states that the date the cash is received irrelevant. Recoveries are taxable when they are receivable are deemed to have been received. The revision is in line with the accruals concept.

Monday 16 July 2012

Extension of transitional period for transitioning entities by MASB

On 30 June 2012, MASB issued a statement that it is extending the transitional period for transitioning entities to 1 January 2014. For those who are new to the MFRSs, MASB sets a full-convergence target to the International Accounting Standards (the IFRSs system) for financial year end 1 January 2012 and thereafter. However, the MASB provide for a one year 'transitional period' for the companies involve in the real estate and agricultural industries also known as transitioning entities. This means companies in these industries only need to adopt the MFRSs framework for financial year end 1 January 2013 and thereafter. However with recent further extension, the new adoption date for this entities only starts on 1 January 2014 and thereafter.

In brief, the current IFRS system (IFRIC 15 Agreements for the Construction of Real Estate) requires real estate developers to recognise revenue only when the project is completed. This is in contrast to the current method adopted by Malaysian property developers which recognise revenue on the percentage-of-completion method. As Malaysian property developers adopts the sell-then-build model, this means that these companies would be reporting costs over the period of the project (potentially losses) and only recognising the revenue at the end of the project period. This would hit the developers bottom line pretty hard. The extension by  MASB is in anticipation of the much awaited new Revenue standard which would recognise percentage-of-completion method for most revenue streams. This new standard is expected to supersede IFRIC 15. However, IASB has postpone the issue of this standard to mid 2013. Thus, the MFRSs adoption extension by MASB for Malaysian developers to 2014. 

The agricultural industry in Malaysia finds it difficult to adopt IAS 41 Agriculture which has many elements which are foreign to the industry here including the fair value measurement of biological assets. With the diversity of the agriculture industry in Malaysia including oil palm,rubber, timber harvesting, the list goes on and on, the implementation of this standard remains to be the most controversial in Malaysia. The extension by MASB is to wait for IASBs further amendments to IAS 41. This will be a temporary relief for both industries until come 2014.

How ACCA Tutor (Malaysia) came to be

Welcome to ACCA Tutor homepage! When I first started out in my ACCA education years ago, i find it difficult to find someone who could guide me in facing the difficult subjects of ACCA. After successfully obtaining my ACCA and gaining my fair share of experience in the industry, I say to myself why not? Why dont I guide my fellow aspiring accountants towards achieving the prestige goal of obtaining an ACCA education as I had once hope for someone to guide me. The roads to ACCA has proven to be a difficult but satisfying and fulfilling path to many. I hope that I am able to lend a hand to you in your road to ACCA.